Alice Vega


School... so far

This is the obligatory paragraph where I talk about what my life is like inside of the school. The first few days of this school year have been nerve-wracking to say the least. This is my first year going to the actual school in person, also the first year openly going under my chosen name. Not really knowing anyone, not having really socialized in-person in a year and a half (I'm already pretty shut-in as is)... it all adds up to resulting in me being pretty anxious, albeit still hopeful and looking forward to meeting people and having a pretty good experience this year.

Life... so far

This is the obligatory paragraph where I talk about what my life is like outside of school. However, given that this is being uploaded to a public website several years after the fact, I am ommitting much of that information. The rest of the original text of this document continues after this sentence. Other than school I don't really go out and just keep to myself, my hobbies, and my online friends.

Some of my hobbies include but aren't limited to:

Other wacky facts about me

This is the obligatory paragraph where the topic is my choice. Since I have 7 minutes and I do not have the brainpower to make a proper paragraph to string sentences together, here is another unordered list, this time of totally radical and wacky facts about me. Golly!

Dear god! This paragraph is orange and large!! No!!!! My style consistency!!!!!1 NOO!!!!11!!111