Hi! Welcome to my page! If you are reading this, you are either my teacher, or someone in the future when I inevitably copy over all my projects this year for archival purposes and put them on my NeoCities page or something (with personal information scrubbed off, of course). Either way, welcome to my last web programming project of the 2021-22 school year. This is something of a retread of the first project, as its another personal webpage. I'm even repurposing the little doodle I did at the start of the year! That being said, this is the part where I say some things about myself in paragraph form. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Curabitur varius nec quam ornare maximus. Mauris congue feugiat rutrum. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Proin in ipsum augue. Fusce risus orci, tincidunt eget enim eu, imperdiet rhoncus erat. Phasellus nec facilisis risus. Morbi faucibus dolor erat, non molestie eros fermentum eu. Cras velit arcu, ultricies sit amet purus id, tristique fermentum ipsum. Duis non felis eleifend, interdum felis eget, lacinia ante. Vivamus in aliquet nulla. Curabitur cursus, dui et semper imperdiet, lectus arcu blandit purus, ut mattis velit diam commodo justo. Mauris quis tempor lorem.
I could write an entire essay about just this, however, the assignment requires me to limit myself. Hence, only five it is.
Water | |
White Rice | |
Lettuce | |
Egg | |
Milk |
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